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2017 Legislation

Issue/More Information Bill # / Member Committee references Status


Accuracy in Damages

One Pager / White Paper
HB 583 - Fant  Referred to Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee; Judiciary Committee

Now in Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee

Died in Civil Justice and Claims Subcommittee.

SB 146 - Passidomo Referred to Judiciary; Banking & Insurance; Rules

Died in Judiciary.

Medical Malpractice HB 537 - Rommel  Referred to Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee

Now in Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee

Died in Civil Justice and Claims Subcommittee.

SB 384 - Passidomo 

Referred to Judiciary; Banking and Insurance; Rules

Died in Judiciary.

Assignment of Benefits

2015 Study / 2017 Study

News Articles 

HB 1421 - Grant 

CS/HB 1421

Referred to Insurance & Banking Subcommitteee; Commerce Committee

On Committee agenda - Insurance & Banking Subcommittee, 03/14/17, 2:00 pm, 404 H

Vote History: Yes: 14  Nay: 1

On Committee agenda - Commerce Committee, 04/19/17, 8:00 am, 212 K - PCS

Vote History: Yeas: 22 Nays: 7

04/20/17,  Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/25/17

04/25/17 Read Second Time; Placed on Third Reading, 04/26/17

04/26/17 - Vote History: Yeas: 91  Nays: 26

Died in Senate Messages.

SB 1038 - Hukill Referred to Banking and Insurance; Judiciary; Rules
Died in Banking and Insurance.


HMOs  HB 675 - Byrd  Referred to Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee; Insurance & Banking Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee

Now in Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee

Died in Civil Justice and Claims Subcommittee.

SB 262 - Steube 

Referred to Banking and Insurance; Judiciary; Rules

On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 02/21/17, 12:30 pm, 110 Senate Office Building

Vote History: Yeas: 6    Nays: 3

On Committee agenda - Judiciary, 03/07/17, 4:00 pm, 110 S

- Temporarily postponed

On Committee agenda - Judiciary, 03/14/17, 2:00 pm, 110 SOB

- Temporarily postponed

On Committee agenda - Judiciary, 03/22/17, 4:00 pm, 110 SOB

- Temporarily postponed

On Committee agenda - Judiciary, 03/28/17, 3pm, 110 SOB

- Temporarily postponed

Died in Judiciary

Prejudgment Interest 

One Pager / Memo

News Articles

HB 469 - Harrison 

CS/HB 469

Referred to Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee Reference to Appropriations Committee removed. 02.22.17; Judiciary Committee

On Committee agenda - Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee, 02/23/17, 9:30 am, 404 H

Vote History: Yeas: 11   Nays: 4

Died in Judiciary Committee.

SB 334 - Steube 

CS/SB 334

CS/CS/SB 334

Referred to Judiciary; Rules

On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 02/21/17, 3:30 pm, 110 Senate Office Building

Vote History: Yeas: 6 Nays: 2

 On Committee agenda - Rules, 03/09/17, 10:00 am, 110 S

Temporarily postponed

On Committee agenda - Rules, 03/29/17, 1:00 pm, 110 SOB

Vote History: Yeas: 10  Nay: 1

Died on Calendar.

Workers Compensation

News Articles

PCB IBS 17-01 

HB 7085 - Burgess

CS/HB 7085

Engrossed One

Referred to Insurance and Banking Subcommittee

On Committee agenda - Insurance & Banking Subcommittee, 03/14/17, 2:00 pm, 404 H

Vote History: Yeas: 14  Nays: 1 

On Committee agenda - Commerce Committee, 03/29/17, 8:30 am, 212 K - Removed

On Committee agenda - Commerce Committee, 04/06/17, 1:30 pm, 212 K

Vote History: Yeas: 20   Nay: 9

Agenda: Special Order Calendar - 04/18/17, 1 pm

04/18/17 Read Second Time; Placed on Third Reading, 04/19/17

Vote History: Yeas: 82  Nays: 37

Died in returning Messages.

SB 1582 - Bradley Referred to Banking and Insurance; Appropriations; Rules

On Committee agenda - Banking and Insurance, 04/03/17, 4:00 pm, 110 S

Vote History: Yeas: 7   Nays: 1 

On Committee agenda - Appropriations, 04/13/17, 9:30 am, 412 K

Vote History: Yeas:  16  Nays: 0

On Committee agenda - Rules, 04/19/17, 4:00 pm, 110 S 

Vote History:  Yeas: 10  Nays: 0

04/28/17 Placed on Special Order Calendar, 05/01/17

05/05/17 Read Second Time; Substituted for HB 7085; Laid on Table, Refer to HB 7085.


One Pager

HB 19 - Grall 

CS/HB 19


Referred to Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee; Health Quality Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee

On Committee agenda - Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee, 02/09/17, 9:00 am, 404 H - PCS

Vote History: Yeas: 10 Nays: 6

On Committee agenda - Health Quality Subcommittee, 02/22/17, 8:00 am, 306 H

Vote History: Yeas: 9 Nays: 7

Died in Judiciary Committee.

SB 1140 - Stargel  Referred to Judiciary; Health Policy; Rules

Died in Judiciary.

Judicial Term Limits

News Articles

HJR 1 - Sullivan  Referred to Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee

On Committee agenda - Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee, 02/09/17, 9:00 am, 404 H

Vote History: Yeas: 8   Nays: 7

On Committee agenda - Judiciary Committee, 02/21/17, 4:00 pm, 404 

Vote History: Yeas: 11 Nays: 8

Agenda: Special Order Calendar - 03/29/17, 2:30 pm

Vote History:  Yeas: 73  Nays: 46

Died in Messages.

SB 482 - Hutson  Referred to Judiciary; Ethics and Elections; Rules

Died in Judiciary.

Firearms HB 819 - Byrd  Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Careers & Competition Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee

Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee.

SB 610 - Steube Referred to Judiciary; Appropriations; Rules

Died in Judiciary.

Property Repair

SB 1218 - Farmer 

CS/SB 1218

Referred to Banking and Insurance; Regulated Industries; Rules

On Committee agenda - Banking and Insurance, 04/03/17, 4:00 pm, 110 S

Vote History: Yeas: 6  Nays: 2

Died in Regulated Industries.

Compensatory Damages for Injury or Death of Pet HB 1067 - Moskowitz Referred to Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee

Died in Civil Justice and Claims Subcommittee.

SB 1270 - Young 

CS/SB 1270

Referred to Judiciary; Agriculture; Rules

On Committee agenda - Judiciary, 03/14/17, 2:00 pm, 110 S

Vote History: Yes: 9 Nay: 0

Died in Agriculture.

Florida False Claims Act SB 1688 - Farmer Referred to Judiciary; Commerce and Tourism; Rules

Died in Judiciary.

Insurance Rates

SB 1684 - Farmer 

CS/SB 1684

Referred to Banking and Insurance; Rules

On Committee agenda - Banking and Insurance, 04/03/17, 4:00 pm, 110 S

Vote History: Yeas: 8  Nays: 0

Died in Rules.

SB 1746 - Flores Referred to Banking and Insurance; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations

Referred to Banking and Insurance; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations

FJRI Watch List

PIP HB 461 - Hager Referred to Insurance & Banking Subcommittee; Government Operations & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee; Commerce Committee

Now in Insurance & Banking Subcommittee

Died in Insurance & Banking Subcommittee.

HB 1063 - Grall 

CS/HB 1063

CS/CS/HB 1063

Engrossed 1

Referred to Insurance & Banking Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee 04.13.17 Committee reference removed; Commerce Committee

On Committee agenda - Insurance & Banking Subcommittee, 03/27/17, 12:30 pm, 404 H - PCS

Vote History: Yeas: 12  Nays: 2

On Committee agenda - Commerce Committee, 04/13/17, 10:00 am, 212 K

Vote History: Yeas: 22  Nays: 5

Agenda: Special Order Calendar - 04/18/17, 1 pm

04/18/17 Read Second Time; Placed on Third Reading, 04/19/17

Vote History: Yeas: 89  Nays: 29

Died in Messages.

SB 156 - Brandes

Referred to Banking and Insurance; Criminal Justice; Judiciary; Appropriations

Died in Banking and Insurance.

SB 1766 - Lee

Referred to Banking and Insurance; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; Appropriations

On Committee agenda - Banking and Insurance, 04/03/17, 4:00 pm, 110 S

-Not Considered

On Committee agenda - Banking and Insurance, 04/13/17, 8:00 am, 110 S

Vote History: Yeas: 8  Nays: 1

Died in Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services.

Civil Remedies for Terrorism

HB 65 - Fischer

Enrolled HB 65

Referred to Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee; Judiciary Committeee

On Committee agenda - Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee, 01/26/17, 9:00 am, 404 H

Vote History: Yes: 15    Nay: 0

On Committee agenda - Judiciary Committee, 02/21/17, 4:00 pm, 404 H

Vote History: Yes: 18  Nay: 0

On Special Order Calendar: 03/22/17, 1:30 pm.

Read Second Time; Placed on Third Reading, 03/23/17

Floor Vote: Yes: 114  Nay: 0

05/18/17 Signed by Officers and presented to Governor (Governor must act on this bill by 06/02/17)

06/02/17 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2017-044

SB 898 - Simmons Referred to Judiciary; Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice; Rules

On Committee agenda-- Judiciary, 03/07/17, 4:00 pm, 110 SOB

Vote History: Yes: 8  Nay: 0

On Committee agenda - Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice, 3/22/17, 9 am, 37 SOB

Vote History: Yes: 5  No: 0

On Committee agenda - Rules, 04/19/17, 4:00 pm, 110 S

Vote History: Yeas: 11  Nays: 0

Placed on Special Order Calendar, 05/02/17

Read Second Time; Substituted for HB 0065; Laid on Table, Refer to HB 0065

Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 37 Yeas / 0 Nays)

Workers' Compensation Benefits For First Responders

HB 1019 - Miller, M.

Referred to Oversight, Transparency & Administration Subcommittee; Government Operations & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee; Government Accountability Committee

Died in Oversight, Transparency & Administration Subcommittee.

SB 516 - Perry Referred to Banking and Insurance; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations; Rules

Died in Banking and Insurance.

SB 1088 - Torres

Referred to Banking and Insurance; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations; Rules

On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 04/17/17, 4:00 pm, 110 Senate Office Building

Vote History: Yeas: 7  Nays: 0 

Died in Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government.

Pub. Rec./Workers' Compensation

HB 1107 - Albritton

CS/HB 1107

CS/CS/HB 1107

Engrossed 1

Engrossed 2

Referred to Insurance & Banking Subcommittee; Oversight, Transparency & Administration Subcommittee; Commerce Committee

On Committee agenda - Insurance & Banking Subcommittee, 03/14/17, 2:00 pm, 404 H

Vote History:  Yeas: 15  Nay: 0

On Committee agenda - Oversight, Transparency & Administration Subcommittee, 03/28/17, 3:30 pm, 17 H

Vote History: Yeas: 14  Nays: 0

On Committee agenda - Commerce Committee, 04/06/17, 1:30 pm, 212 K

Vote History: Yeas: 25  Nays: 0

Agenda: Special Order Calendar - 04/18/17, 1 pm

04/19/17 Read Second Time; Placed on Third Reading, 04/20/17

Vote History: Yeas: 115  Nays: 0

5/03/17 Received from Messages; Concurred with Amendment (127786); Passed (Vote: 119 Yeas / 0 Nays)

06/14/17 Signed by Officers and presented to Governor (Governor must act on this bill by 06/29/17)

SB 1008 - Perry

CS/SB 1008

CS/CS/SB 1008

Referred to Banking and Insurance; Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Rules

On Committee agenda - Banking and Insurance, 04/03/17, 4:00 pm, 110 S

Vote History:  Yeas: 8  Nays: 0

On Committee agenda - Governmental Oversight and Accountability, 04/17/17, 4:00 pm, 401 S

Vote History: Yeas: 6  Nays: 0 

On Committee agenda - Rules, 04/25/17, 2:00 pm, 110 S

Vote History: Yeas: 12  Nays: 0 

04/28/17 Placed on Special Order Calendar, 05/01/17

05/01/17 Read Second Time; Substituted for HB 1107; Laid on Table, Refer to HB 1107

05/02/17 Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 37 Yeas / 0 Nays)

Public Records

HB 163 - Burgess

CS/HB 163 

Referred to Oversight, Transparency & Administration Subcommittee; Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee; Government Accountability Committee

On Committee agenda - Oversight, Transparency & Administration Subcommittee, 03/08/17, 12:00 pm, 17 H

Vote History: Yes: 13  Nay: 0

On Committee agenda - Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee, 03/20/17, 3:30 pm, 404 H - PCS

Vote History: Yes: 13   Nay: 0

On Committee agenda - Government Accountability Committee, 04/06/17, 1:30 pm, 17 H

Vote History: Yeas: 20   Nays: 0

Agenda: Special Order Calendar - 04/18/17, 1 pm

04/19/17 HOUSE Read Second Time; Substituted for SB 0080; Laid on Table, Refer to SB 0080

04/20/17 Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 115 Yeas / 0 Nays)

SB 80 - Steube 

CS/SB 80


Engrossed 1


Referred to Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Community Affairs; Judiciary

On Committee agenda - Governmental Oversight and Accountability, 02/07/17, 10:00 am, 401 S

Vote History:  Yes: 4  Nay: 3

On Committee agenda - Community Affairs, 03/06/17, 4:00 pm, 301 S

Vote History: Yes: 6  Nay: 1

On Committee agenda - Judiciary, 03/14/17, 2 pm, 110 

Vote History:  Yes: 8  Nay: 0

03/21/17 - Placed on Special Order Calendar, 03/23/17

03/23/17 Read Second Time; Placed on Third Reading, 03/29/17

Vote History: Yes: 38  Nays: 0

04/19/17 Substituted for HB 0163; Read Second Time; Placed on Third Reading, 04/20/17

04/20/17 Read Third Time; Vote History Yeas: 115  Nays: 0

05/09/17 Signed by Officers and presented to Governor (Governor must act on this bill by 05/24/17)

05/23/17 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2017-021

SB 246 - Garcia 

Referred to Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Community Affairs; Judiciary; Rules

Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability.

Regulation of Insurance Companies

HB 359 – Santiago

CS/HB 359

Engrossed 1

Engrossed 2


Referred to Insurance & Banking Subcommittee; Commerce Committee

On Committee agenda - Insurance & Banking Subcommittee, 03/20/17, 12:00 pm, 404 H

Vote History:  Yes: 13   Nay: 0

On Committee agenda - Commerce Committee, 04/06/17, 1:30 pm, 212 K

Vote History: Yeas: 20  Nays: 0

04/20/17 - Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/25/17

Read Second Time; Amendment Adopted (464919); Placed on Third Reading, 04/26/17

04/26/17 Read Third Time; Vote History: Yeas: 117  Nays: 0

05/05/17 Received from Messages; Concurred with Amendment (476744); Passed (Vote: 117 Yeas / 0 Nays)

06/14/17 Signed by Officers and presented to Governor (Governor must act on this bill by 06/29/17)

06/23/17 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2017-132

SB 454 - Brandes

CS/SB 454 

CS/CS/SB 454

Referred to Banking and Insurance; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations; Rules

05/03/17 Withdrawn from Rules

On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 03/06/17, 4:00 pm, 110 Senate Office Building

Vote History: Yeas: 7   Nay: 2

On Committee agenda-- Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government, 03/15/17, 4:00 pm, 110 SOB

Vote History: Yeas: 9  Nay: 0  

On Committee agenda - Appropriations, 04/05/17, 10:00 am, 412 K

Vote History: Yeas: 17   Nays: 0

05/03/17 Placed on Special Order Calendar, 05/04/17

5/04/17 - SENATE Read Second Time; Substituted for HB 0359; Laid on Table, Refer to HB 0359

05/05/17 Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 37 Yeas / 0 Nays)

Regulation of Water Damage Restoration

SB 1150 - Artiles 

Referred to Regulated Industries; Banking and Insurance; Appropriations; Rules

Withdrawn from further consideration.

Accessibility of Places of Public Accommodation

HB 727 - Leek 

CS/HB 727

CS/CS/HB 727


Engrossed 1


Referred to Careers & Competition Subcommittee; Government Operations & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee; Commerce Committee

On Committee agenda - Careers & Competition Subcommittee, 03/28/17, 8:00 am, 212 K

Vote History: Yeas: 14  Nays: 0 

On Committee agenda - Government Operations & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee, 04/04/17, 8:00 am, 17 H

Vote History: Yeas: 17  Nays: 0

On Committee agenda - Commerce Committee, 04/24/17, 9:00 am, 212 K

Vote History: Yeas: 20  Nays: 0 

04/24/17, Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/27/17

04/27/17 Read Second Time; Amendment Adopted (239023); Placed on Third Reading, 04/28/17

04/28/17 Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 117 Yeas / 0 Nays)

06/14/17 Signed by Officers and presented to Governor (Governor must act on this bill by 06/29/17)

06/23/17 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2017-139

SB 1398 - Stewart

Referred to Regulated Industries; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations

On Committee agenda - Regulated Industries, 04/06/17, 1:00 pm, 110 S

Vote History: Yeas: 14  Nays: 0

On Committee agenda - Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government, 04/18/17, 4:00 pm, 110 S

Vote History: Yeas: 6  Nays: 0

On Committee agenda - Appropriations, 04/25/17, 9:00 am, 412 K - PCS

Vote History: Yeas: 18  Nays: 0 

04/26/17 Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/28/17

05/01/17 - Read Third Time; Substituted for HB 0727; Laid on Table, Refer to HB 0727

05/01/17 Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 37 Yeas / 0 Nays)